'‘Top 10' online rights and responsibilities through the eyes of Greek youth

With the introduction and increased availability of internet-enabled devices such as mobile phones and tablets, as well as personalised technology, the nature of children's engagement with the digital world has been transformed. Minors usually go online without being familiar with their rights and responsibilities and this can pose several threats.

Date 2015-12-16 Author Greek Safer Internet Centre
 In this framework, the Greek Awareness Centre, Saferinternet.gr, through a recent questionnaire, invited youngsters to choose and prioritise their 10 most important online rights and online responsibilities respectively, having in this way the chance to consider the way they act (and should act) online. The questionnaire was completed by 917 minors, resulting in the development of the following two Top 10 lists:
Top 10 list of online rights as set by the Greek youth
  • Right 1: To protect my privacy, feel safe and enjoy the internet.
  • Right 2: To preserve the right to control my personal data online.
  • Right 3: Not to be harassed/bullied on the internet.
  • Right 4: To easily report anything that worries/upsets/disturbs me on the internet to the competent internet providers.
  • Right 5: To learn how to stay safe on the internet.
  • Right 6: To be able to find quality online content and not to be confronted with unpleasant or hurtful things on the internet.
  • Right 7: To be able to play and talk with my friends on the internet.
  • Right 8: To help my friends stay safe on the internet.
  • Right 9: To be able to tell someone I trust if something has worried me on the internet.
  • Right 10: To be able to create my own content on the internet.
Top 10 list of online responsibilities as set by the minors
  • Responsibility 1: To respect other users' personal data (for example photos), and not to post these data without the users' consent.
  • Responsibility 2: To keep my passwords undisclosed, even from my best friends, and choose difficult passwords to that purpose.
  • Responsibility 3: Not to harass/bully others on the internet.
  • Responsibility 4: To avoid strangers online, and report harmful or any sort of suspicious behaviours I may encounter online.
  • Responsibility 5: To respect other people's intellectual property on the internet.
  • Responsibility 6: To be able to have freedom of expression on the internet, but at the same time respect other people's identities and values.
  • Responsibility 7: To help my friends and younger children navigate safely on the internet.
  • Responsibility 8: To protect my image in the digital world, as in the real world.
  • Responsibility 9: To always cross check the validity of online information.
  • Responsibility 10: To navigate only to websites appropriate for my age, respect age restrictions and read ‘Policy' and ‘Terms' of the websites I use.
Saferinternet.gr will send the same questionnaire to all schools participating in Safer Internet Day celebrations, in order for them to create their very own Top 10 lists of rights and responsibilities.
Find out more about the work of the Greek Safer Internet Centre here.

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