Bridging the generational gap

In today's world, there's increasing use of the internet from all demographics, industries, and ages. With yesterday being the United Nations International Day of Older Persons, it might be a good time to bridge the gap between the young and the old on the use of technology and the internet.

Date 2015-10-02 Author BIK Coordination Team

 'Seniors and the elderly are feeling left behind in the huge technology boom that has occurred over the past decade. Now you may be thinking… what does this have to do with me? Well, actually it has a lot to do with you and, indeed, every one of us. Youth can embark on helping the older population become technologically literate. If you have a grandparent, great aunt, or cousin who is a part of the older population, ask them how YOU can help them with their new technology devices. Ask them how YOU can help them use the internet. 'I know that when I help my grandparents, they are very appreciative of any information I can offer them regarding their smartphones, tablets, and computers that allow them to go online. The older population's safety on the internet is just as important as ours: maybe they won't be so into tweeting the latest and greatest news from their Bridge club, or maybe they won't be so interested in taking selfies, but ask them what they want to know and ask them how YOU can help them. You can help the older population become technologically literate and savvy. So, what are YOU going to do to help out?

'We ‘d like to know what you're doing to help older generations with technology - participate in a short survey here.  

'Find out more about the International Day of Older Persons on the UN website and read an additional news article here.'

Laken, 20 years old, USA

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