‘Become a friend of your child' – educational project for parents

‘Become a friend of your child' is an educational project prepared by NASK (coordinator of the Polish Safer Internet Centre (SIC)) with the aim of helping parents and caretakers of mainly primary school children to overcome obstacles that they encounter while trying to enter the virtual environment of their children.

Date 2016-06-29 Author Polish Safer Internet Centre
This educational project consists of ten animated cartoons which depict several internet-related issues that parents may be faced with in their daily parental lives. The tool addresses, among other things, such virtual topics as dangerous contacts, malicious online content, parental control programs, establishing a balance between children's online and offline activity, and mutual learning of new technologies. The series is presented with the use of a funny, vivid and entertaining formula and the goal is to make parents more familiar with the virtual habits of their children, and thus to provide better understanding.
The project also aims to raise the awareness of youngsters concerning the internet, and assist parents in becoming friends of their children in this sphere. The project started in 2013 and has been enriched with five new movies in 2016, as detailed below. The main objectives of the project still remain valid today as children still overtake their parents in use of internet and the newest technological devices.
  • Enough is enough – looking at the problem of an excessive presence of the internet and digital equipment in the lives of young children.
  • Your computer is not the pinnacle of the world – tackling the problem of internet addiction.
  • Cyberbullying is real – a consideration of the problem of cyberbullying among youths.
  • Kids need their privacy too – looking at issues surrounding violations of privacy by parents.
  • One must not believe everything – establishing the importance of critical approaches to content published online.
The educational project is available at www.saferinternet.pl or www.youtube.pl/saferinternetpolska. All movies are also available in English versions.
Find out more about the work of the Polish Safer Internet Centre, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.

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