SWGfL publishes report into what causes young people upset online

South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL), a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre (SIC), has recently published a report that explores what causes young people upset online. The report is the second in a series titled "Young people, internet use and wellbeing in the UK". Compiled by Professor Andy Phippen from Plymouth University, the series explores the role of technology on young people's wellbeing. Each report in the series will have a specific area of focus, such as gender, age differences, and what harmful content means to young people. It assesses data provided by more than 8,200 young people from the ages of 9 - 18 across over 100 schools in the UK.

Date 2018-06-27 Author SWGfL, part of the UK Safer Internet Centre Section awareness, research

The key findings centre on what "upset" means for children and young people going online, and challenges common strategies to protect them from this upset. What causes upset is broad and variable, depending upon both gender and age of respondents.

The report also contains testimonials and quotes from young people about the things that they have seen online which have caused them upset.

In general, upset is most commonly caused by:
  • Abusive comments from peers and others they interact with online
  • Stories in the news and media that can be upsetting (for example, terrorist incidents, child suffering, and natural disasters)
  • Animal abuse – videos that show animal cruelty, images of harm to animals, upsetting stories related to animals, etc.
  • Upsetting content, such as shocking videos produced by YouTubers, content showing people being hurt, acts of self-harm, etc. 
This research raises further questions around what motivates young people's online behaviours, and it is clear that this is an area that requires further research. Over the coming years SWGfL, as part of its work as a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, will be working with HeadStart Kernow to explore the subject, as well as the social and emotional impacts of the online world, in order to inform future support for schools, families and communities.re
Andy Phippen, Professor of Social Responsibility in IT at the University of Plymouth said:
"What is clear from these findings is that we need to develop critical thinking and digital literacy that goes beyond whether content is "good" or "bad" and explore how it makes people feel and how we might counteract how upset is caused.
"We need to move beyond "online safety" to better understand how we develop resilience in young people so they can deal with what they see and do online, rather than hoping they avoid it completely."
David Wright, Director of SWGfL and the UK Safer Internet Centre, said:
"We have seen over recent months that some aspects of being online is having a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
"This report clearly highlights that while there are clear "online" elements here, they go beyond protecting young people from online issues. Just as in the offline world, some things cause distress or upset, and we need to help equip young people with the tools they need to deal with this as they grow up."
This article was originally published by SWGfL and is republished here with permission - read the original article here.
Find out more about the work of the UK Safer Internet Centre (SIC), including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.

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