Research on the impact of online marketing on children's behaviour

A new study by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers provides novel insights into the prevalence and charateristics of online marketing which targets children. 
Date 2016-05-30 Author BIK team Section awareness, research
It also considers how their behaviour is influenced by these marketing practices and how online marketing is regulated across Europe.
Key findings from the study include:
  • Sophisticated and non-transparent marketing techniques are common. 

Children are exposed to marketing practices in online games, mobile applications and social media sites which they may not understand.

  • Marketing practices have clear impacts on children's behaviour.
Marketing practices may affect children's behaviours without them being aware of it - embedded advertisements, for example, were found to have a subliminal effect. Additionally, children's purchasing behaviour is influenced by their exposure to prompts to make in–app purchases. 
  • Children do not receive equal protection across the EU.
The study showcases the need for strong and harmonised protection of children as consumers. It brings new evidence that allows us to understand that children are potentially vulnerable consumers in regards to marketing practices that can be considered unfair from the perspective of child consumers.
Read the full study here.

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