Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre




About the organisation

BEE SECURE is a governmental initiative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, operated by the Service national de la jeunesse (SNJ) and the KJT, in partnership with Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC), the Luxembourg Police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. BEE SECURE is coordinated by the SNJ and co-financed by the European Commission. Governmental involvement is provided by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of the Economy, and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. BEE SECURE is part of the European network Insafe (awareness-raising centres and helplines) and INHOPE (reporting centres for illegal content).

The initiative’s mission

BEE SECURE aims to promote a safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology among the general public and, in particular, among three distinct target groups:

  • children and young people in order to raise awareness at an early age;
  • parents, teachers and educators, who serve as children’s primary point of reference and thus need to set a good example;
  • seniors, among whom demand is increasing more and more.

Profile last updated: March 2023

Awareness centre


BEE SECURE disseminates information and advice by systematically providing training sessions in primary and secondary schools (the BEE SECURE awareness training has been integrated into the school curriculum) and also by providing extracurricular training modules dedicated to children and young people, further training for teachers and educators, as well as information events for parents and carers. The initiative also provides publications and practical guides for children, youth and their entourage. BEE SECURE makes this information available to the general public through its websites, social networks and the national press.

BEE SECURE Training logo

Email address:
Social media:



The BEE SECURE Helpline (8002 1234) is a point of contact for questions related to online security and the responsible use of communication technology. It is aimed at the general public, and particularly at children, youth, parents and seniors, as well as teachers and educators. Anyone can use this service free of charge to obtain anonymous and confidential advice. The main topics are e-crime, data privacy, media literacy, cyberbullying, sexting and sextortion.

Phone number: 8002 1234 (only reachable within the Luxembourgish network)

BEE SECURE Helpline logo

Email address:
Social media:



Thanks to BEE SECURE Stopline, illegal online content can be reported anonymously and confidentially via an online reporting tool. These reports can be classified in one of three categories: child sexual abuse material (CSAM); discrimination, racism or revisionism; terrorism. The reported content is analysed and if necessary, presented to the competent authorities.

BEE SECURE Stopline logo

Email address:
Social media:

Youth participaton


Regular exchange with children and young people in the frame of Youth and Kids panels, feedbacks from training sessions, surveys, analysis of requests to the BEE SECURE  Helpline, analysis of reports on the BEE SECURE Stopline, and other information generated in the frame of BEE SECURE activities allow BEE SECURE to stay up to date on the latest trends in Luxembourg.

The exchanges with various national and international partners keep BEE SECURE abreast of the latest developments that are relevant for safe and responsible use of the internet and digital media. In order to monitor developments in the use of ICT and related risks, the newly published (in 2022) annual report “BEE SECURE Radar” documents the observations made by BEE SECURE during its activities during a school year.


Key successes

Key successes include:

  • A branding study showed that 74 per cent (N=510) of respondents have heard about BEE SECURE, without necessarily knowing the logo or the field of activity (Ilres, July 2022).
  • BEE SECURE was honoured to receive wide media coverage with 57 interview requests and a total of 229 press appearances in 2022.
  • The total number of training events in 2022 was 1,101.
  •  All together in 2022, 119 children and 4 young people took part in kids and youth panels.

Key partners/supporters

Key supporters are The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region, Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC), the Luxembourg Police, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; European Commission, Insafe, INHOPE.

Advisory Board members are:

  • AFP-Solidarité-Famille a.s.b.l. Erzéiungs- a Familljeberodung
  • ANIJ - Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes
  • Anonym Glécksspiller a.s.b.l.
  • Armée luxembourgeoise
  • ASTI - Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés Luxembourg a.s.b.l.
  • Autorité Luxembourgeoise Indépendante de l’Audiovisuel (ALIA)
  • CEC Luxembourg – Centre Européen des Consommateurs GIE
  • CESAS - Centre national de référence pour la promtion de santé affective et sexuelle
  • CET - Centre pour l'Egalité de Traitement 
  • CGJL - Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse du Luxembourg
  • Chambre des Métiers Luxembourg
  • CNAPA - Centre National de Prévention des Addictions
  • CNPD - Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données
  • Conseil de Presse
  • a.s.b.l.
  • ECPAT Luxembourg
  • Eltereschoul Janusz Korczak
  • EwB - ErwuesseBildung 
  • FAPEL - Fédération des Association de Parents d'Éleves du Luxembourg
  • Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche
  • GERO a.s.b.l.
  • Impuls - Service Thérapeutique Solidarité Jeunes
  • KJT
  • Level2
  • Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC)
  • Microsoft Luxembourg
  • Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse 
  • Département Enfance et Jeunesse
  • Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région
  • Ministère de la Santé
  • Ministère de l'Economie
  • Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes
  • NorTIC
  • ORK - Ombudsman fir d'Rechter vum Kand
  • Parquet du Tribunal d'Arrondissement de Luxembourg
  • Police Grand-Ducale
  • POST
  • RTL
  • SMC - Service des médias et des communications
  • Technolink
  • ULC - Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs Nouvelle a.s.b.l.
  • Université de Luxembourg
  • Young Caritas
  • ZpB - Zentrum fir politesch Bildung