Spanish Safer Internet Centre
About the organisation
The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) is the reference entity to drive a better internet for minors in Spain, and it works within the framework of the European Union's BIK strategy. INCIBE manages Internet Segura for Kids, the Spanish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) that takes part in the Insafe and INHOPE networks, and also operates SIC services to promote a safer and better use of the internet and mobile technologies among children and young people: an awareness-raising centre, a helpline, a youth participation initiative, a hotline, and the organisation of the Safer Internet Day (SID).
Profile last updated: August 2023
Awareness centre
The awareness centre aims to create a culture of awareness about the safer and responsible use of the internet among children, offering a range of services and activities. These services include:
- Developing national awareness-raising campaigns in digital and traditional media.
- Organising conferences and events, including Safer Internet Day (SID), targeting kids, families, educators and professionals working with minors.
- Developing workshop programmes and training activities for parents and educators to raise awareness and develop digital competencies about online safety and security, and train them for best practice working with kids.
- Providing free practical resources such as brochures, guidelines, video tutorials, quizzes, e-learning courses, and handbooks for educators.
- Spreading its activities and communicating with its public through its social media channels, along with a regular radio programme collaboration.
Email address:
Social media:
Under operation since May 2017, the helpline is a public service and single channel that supports and assists minors, parents and educators and professionals working with minors on how to face risks on the internet, such as harmful content, dangerous contacts and inappropriate behaviours.
Since February 2020, the helpline has changed its number to 017, a short number of national social interest, granted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Since May 2021, the HL also operates through the new WhatsApp (+34900116117) and Telegram (@INCIBE017) channels and in June 2023 the service incorporated face-to-face counselling also.
Email address:
Social media:
INCIBE has operated the Spanish hotline since January 2021, supported by the Spanish relevant authorities (law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and the Public Prosecutor's Office), and within the legal framework available in Spain for the detection and treatment of child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
For that purpose, in 2018, INCIBE became a provisional member of the INHOPE network, participating since then in its international meetings. In 2021, INCIBE become a full member of INHOPE and since that time, INCIBE has offered an online web form for users to report CSAM URLs anonymously, contributing to the INHOPE network with the its stats collection. INCIBE continues also to strengthen the collaboration with LEAs and, more recently, with the Public Prosecutor's Office, in order to develop the operating systems and improve the processes for the detection, criminal prosecution, and removal of content on sexual abuse against minors.
Youth participation
The youth participation initiative tries to show how children and adolescents can help create a safer internet through cyber security and the responsible use of the internet, looking for positive opportunities to create, participate and share useful content for all. This initiative is part of the actions carried out by the SIC Spain consortium.
The cornerstone of the young people's panel is the Cibercorresponsales' website "La Pinza", by Plataforma de Infancia, although the development of the young people's participation initiative encompasses other activities run by SIC-Spain partners.
Key successes
Key successes of the Spanish Safer Internet Centre (SIC), IS4K, include:
- Launch of the SIC website,, with awareness-raising content and tools and the helpline section.
- Operation of the Spanish Helpline, and launch of the short and socially related telephone number 017 associated with cybersecurity and safe use situations, granted by the Government of Spain (launched in February 2020). Extension of service hours from 8am to 11pm, 365 days a year.
- Participation in the INHOPE network as a full member and the operation of INCIBE Hotline as the spot in Spain.
- Organisation of Safer Internet Day (SID) in Spain since 2017, including awareness raising and training activities and public events, with the participation of Queen Letizia in the 2019 and 2020 editions, and running online and face-to-face actions since then.
- Launch of the Spanish youth participation initiative, gathering relevant actors to develop the action.
- Fostering cooperation with the main stakeholders involved (young people, families, educators, law and health professionals, digital service providers, law enforcement bodies, and so on).
- Development of awareness initiatives for parents, educators and other professionals working on the matter.
- Development of interactive tools and games directed to the general population.
- Participation in relevant events at national and international levels.
- Development of the SIC-Spain Project and its different phases, led by INCIBE, focusing on three main lines of activity: continuity and reinforcement of the current activity of the Spanish SIC, improvement of coordination for awareness raising through the public-private consortium, and strengthening of the presence of the Spanish SIC in the INHOPE network.
Key partners/supporters
Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K) is supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.