The #NOHATEONLINE campaign continues to fight against hate speech

In order to contribute to the fight against hate speech, the BEE SECURE initiative ran the #NOHATEONLINE campaign to raise awareness during the 2022-2023 school year.

Date 2023-09-28 Author Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre Section , awareness, youth Topic cyberbullying, hate speech, media literacy/education Audience children and young people, media specialist, research, policy and decision makers, teachers, educators and professionals
Cat cartoon opening mouth with social media icons

An anti-hate website with a quiz on freedom of expression 

The web portal was placed at the heart of the campaign. The website offers general recommendations for combating online hate speech as well as links to the BEE SECURE stopline website ( to report hate speech.

The website also features a quiz entitled “Däerf een dat soen?” (“Is it okay to say that?” in English) which allows users to reflect upon the limits of freedom of expression. Users are confronted with various statements and must assess whether they consider these types of statements to be illegal or not. These statements are real comments circulating on social media and have been reported to the BEE SECURE stopline. 

Messages and public statements to encourage respect online 

During the school year, 2,300 copies of four different posters illustrating positive messages were displayed throughout the country. The campaign was extended to social media with videos and messages specially adapted to each social media channel. They were also passed on to influencers who will share the #NOHATEONLINE message with their online community. Read their testimonials on

Some key data 

  • 33 per cent of respondents remember seeing one of these images in the past 12 months (ILRES survey July 2023 - N=291
  • Social media impressions for all content: more than 3.5 million impressions 
  • Unique visits to during the 2022/23 school year: 12,000 visits 
  • Gadgets distributed to young people (stickers and rulers): 35,000 items ​​​​​​​ 

BEE SECURE continues to raise awareness and promote respectful online behaviour 

Even though the #NOHATEONLINE campaign is coming to an end, the number of reports to the BEE SECURE Stopline shows that online hate remains an ongoing problem that requires continuous attention. BEE SECURE will therefore continue with its efforts to raise awareness and create a safe and caring digital environment, while focusing on cultivating a respectful internet for all.  

BEE SECURE campaigns generally start in September and run throughout the whole school year. The campaigns focus on topics that reflect current trends. The annual campaigns therefore shine a light on a particular issue and delve into it in greater detail. 

Find more information about the work of the Luxembourg Safer Internet Centre, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline, and youth participation services – or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.  

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