New free educational material on digital empowerment for secondary schools

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2017, Vodafone and launched new free educational materials "Safe and Social" aimed at secondary schools. This package of four lessons focusses on digital empowerment and resilience. Also available are e-zines for young people and parents. Already 448 (out of 638) secondary schools have shown interest in the materials.

Date 2017-03-02 Author Dutch Safer Internet Centre

Youngsters use their smartphone intensively. Whether it is for functional, recreational or social reasons, their smartphone is present in their life day and night. The results of research Vodafone announced on Safer Internet Day show that young people want more advice and support. A third of Dutch young people says they have never had advice on how to (re)act on social media or how they can stay strong and positive online. Nearly a quarter of the teens surveyed indicated that they thought parents should provide advice and support more often.

The educational materials are designed to help young people to become aware of the impact of (their) online behaviour and aims to make them digitally resilient. By means of different topics and examples, young people can exchange experiences that help them to get more insight into their own behaviour on the internet and social media, and that of their peers. They also have to think about what they like or what they find acceptable online, and what they don't. By using the materials, young people will also discover what they can do to manage their own behaviour and how to react to the behaviour of others online.

For further information, see

Find out more about Safer Internet Day in the Netherlands.

Find out more about the work of the Dutch Safer Internet Centre, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.

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