The workshop focused on the extent of the use of personal data by organisations and how this contrasts to how users perceive its use. The idea for the workshop was initiated by the incoming European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how this may help to address the issue. The workshop was fantastically well attended with around 230 people attending in a room that could seat 200.
Focusing on our insatiable appetite for free mobile apps, the workshop explored the regulatory and legislative frameworks that exist particularly in Europe and the US to manage and protect the use of personal data. The workshop heard from eight panellists looking at three particular areas.
John Carr OBE, Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE and Auke Pals kicked the session off by providing a multifaceted analysis of the incoming EU General Data Protection Regulation, due to be active in May 2018, including the obligations and expectations it introduces to providers.
Turning the attention across the Atlantic, Larry Magid, Kathryn Montgomery and Marsali Hancock compared the similar controversies generated in the United States during the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) deliberations in the 1990s.
Finally, Ana Neves and Louise Marie Hurel offered a balanced viewpoint with a more global perspective.
The session then extended the opportunity for debate with questions from the floor, concluding with a brief summary together with a call to action to participate in Safer Internet Day 2017.
More information on this workshop (WS 114) is available from the IGF website.
For more general information about IGF, see the debates on Twitter using #IGF2016 or check out the daily video highlights from across the four days of the Forum.
See the Internet Governance Forum page on the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) portal for all the information on Insafe-INHOPE involvement in current and past IGF events.
For more information on Safer Internet Day, to be celebrated on Tuesday, 7 February 2017 with a theme of ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet', see