Is your child safe online?

Parents can mitigate the impact of technology on their child’s development by actively monitoring their children’s online activities and interactions. By becoming familiar with their children's and their friends' virtual environments, parents can more effectively address internet safety, manage screen time, and guide appropriate online interactions with both familiar and unfamiliar individuals. This proactive approach fosters a safer and more balanced digital experience for children. 

Date 2024-08-30 Author Romanian Safer Internet Centre Section awareness Topic data privacy Audience parents and carers
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 From another perspective, the internet has become a versatile tool for various purposes. Therefore, parents need accurate and up-to-date information to make the best decisions to help children stay safe while navigating the internet. Furthermore, it is advisable to monitor children's online activities and observe any changes in their behaviour and routines to promptly detect unpleasant occurrences in their online lives.  

Parental control solutions for monitoring, limiting, or managing children's online activities complement a trusting relationship with the child. They are crucial when children use innovative technologies from an early age, as explaining online dangers in these situations can be more challenging. However, as children grow and progress into adolescence, such programmes may lose effectiveness and lead to family tensions, becoming a source of real conflicts.  

For more information about the types of existing solutions (filtering programmes, parental control, and mobile apps provided by antivirus programs), you can access the document "Parental Control and Filtering Solutions. Additionally, PEGI (Pan European Game Information) is a widely recognised system for assessing and classifying online games, serving as a model of harmonisation for child protection across Europe. For a detailed presentation on PEGI, you can refer to this document: PEGI Guide. For more information on online safety, consult the Parent Guide "Is Your Child Safe Online?". 

Find more information about the work of the Romanian Safer Internet Centre, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline, and youth participation services, or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.     

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