Since April 2022, Better Internet Centre (the Ukrainian Safer Internet Centre) shares its educational games for free.
3,600 sets of Universe of opportunities, Start, Souvenirko, along with online safety posters, contribute to the educational and fun activities for children and youth in local communities. These games assist children and young people in overcoming traumatic events, and in creating a safe space to talk and to play.
Universe of opportunities
The game Universe of opportunities consists of 30 cards which illustrate everyday life situations related to the internet and digital technologies. There is no explanation to the illustrations. The cards are designed to be played in 15+ exercises reaching out to any number of participants of any age.
The game was published in 2019 and created in close co-operation with children and young people in Ukraine. Universe of opportunities was appreciated by educators, librarians and youth workers as a relevant tool for the development of online safety competencies of children and young people. Some people used the game to celebrate Safer Internet Day in Ukraine.
One of the comments from youth on the game Universe of opportunities was: “Children like large-sized cards, and have an opportunity to animate what they see”. You can read more feedback and comments here.
Online safety posters
The Ukrainian Safer Internet Centre also has a handful of online safety posters that are targeted to different student groups.
- Top ten ideas for my online safety, for middle and high school pupils.
- Ten tips from Skrolik for your safety online, for primary school pupils.
- Child online safety: what parents can do, for kindergarten and primary school pupils.
- Teens’ online safety: ideas for parents, for middle and high school pupils.
The Souvenirko game was developed for the winter holiday season to recall all sorts of favourite festive memories in a group of players. The game is widely used by organisations working with children and youth to create a space for sincere communication and sharing.
Following numerous requests from Ukrainian families who had to flee the country and therefore lost their physical sets of the game, Better Internet Centre has developed an online version of the game. The online version will help them to continue the tradition of playing wherever they are now.
This game can also be quite a good icebreaker activity, so anyone can make use of it at trainings, conferences and team building events with young people and adults.
The online version is available in Ukrainian and English.
SIC+ programme
In 2022, Better Internet Centre is one of the participants of the SIC+ programme. The programme made its official debut in 2020, with the objective of broadening the European network of Safer Internet Centres with countries from across the globe. The first piloting phase includes organisations from Armenia, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Serbia and Ukraine.
In October 2022, the day after the Safer Internet Forum (SIF), participants from the SIC+ programme recently gathered to participate in the SIC+ Focus Group in Brussels. In addition to the SIC+ members, a number of European Safer Internet Centres (SICs), the European Commission (EC), BIK Youth Ambassadors and Twitter were also represented. You can read more about the SIC+ Focus Group here.
Within the framework of the Safer Internet Day activities, the Ukrainian Safer Internet Centre organises throughout the year preparatory work for the Safer Internet Day celebrations, through the SID in Ukraine Facebook page, the official site of the Better Internet Centre and an online bulletin on online safety education including news, informational and educational resourses and activities related to online safety for children, young people, parents and caregivers.
For more information about educational resources in the Ukrainian language, visit the Ukrainian Safer Internet Day Committee profile page and the Better Internet Centre website.