Policy frameworks
Italy has addressed in part the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK) in national public policies. BIK-related issues have been addressed in a number of separate policies which directly address BIK-related issues. The Italian National Plan for Digital Education (Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale - PNSD) is a policy launched by the Ministry of Education, University and Research for setting up a comprehensive innovation strategy across Italy's school system and bringing it into the digital age. It is one of the pillars of "La Buona Scuola" school reform (Law 107/2015). In addition, the Italian Digital Agenda (ADI) translates the strategies and the principles outlined by the Digital Agenda for Europe to the Italian context, through a coherent plan of concrete initiatives and measures and the effective coordination of public intervention both at central and local level. The introduction of Law 29 May 2017, n. 71. includes provision for the prevention and combatting of cyberbullying. In 2017, the Ministry of Education, University and Research launched a call for proposals for awareness activities against cyberbullying in schools.
Policy design
Policy design is concentrated within one to three ministries. BIK policies are managed, coordinated and overseen at Ministry level. Specific agreements exist between ministries and public agencies in relation to BIK. For instance, an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the SIC's helpline was put in place to help students. There is no regular data collection though projects such as Net Children Go Mobile and Save the Children have collected qualitative and quantitative data on children's online usage. The most evaluation of national policies has taken place in the context of the development of the National Plan for Digital Education.
Policy actors
Government ministries take the lead in carrying activities in relation to BIK with the exception of Pillar 1, quality online content for childre., which is led by the Safer Internet Centre (SIC). Young people are consulted on BIK-related matters through the Youth Panel of the Safer Internet Centre. The Ministry of Education, University and Research and the SIC have initiated a Schools e-Policy development process whereby schools have been encouraged to reflect on their approach to online safety and a positive use of information and communication technologies (ICT), and to identify their strengths and weaknesses, including aspects they need to improve on in order to ensure the introduction of an e-Safety Policy that each school develops and adopts.