

Within the European network of Safer Internet Centres, helplines provide information, advice and assistance to children, young people and parents on how to deal with harmful content, harmful contact (such as grooming), harmful conduct (such as cyberbullying or sexting), and contract issues (commercial factors or where the young person is a consumer).

Helplines can increasingly be accessed via a variety of means – telephone, email, web forms, and online chat services, and many offer anonymous services.

On this page, you'll find a selection of articles corresponding to the work of helplines.

To find contact details for your national helpline, visit your Safer Internet Centre profile page.

2024-06-25 cyberbullying, excessive use, potentially harmful content BIK Team

Latest helpline trends: Quarter 1, 2024

The Insafe network of helplines collects data about the types of calls received, which is analysed every three months to examine possible trends and emerging issues. The most recent helpline data covers the period from January to March 2024. This quarter, more than 16,500 contacts were made to the helpline network. 

2024-04-17 media literacy/education BIK Team

The Insafe and INHOPE networks meet to facilitate sharing of experiences and good practice

Today, the Insafe and INHOPE networks are meeting in Warsaw, Poland, to explore areas of common ground and opportunities for closer working between helplines, hotlines, and awareness centres in a two-day training meeting. It is also an opportunity to discuss a range of online safety issues, including deep nudes, sextortion, gender-based violence and adult content, and consider the challenges that are likely to face Safer Internet Centres in the future.

2024-03-27 media literacy/education BIK Team

Latest helpline trends: Quarter 4, 2023

The Insafe network of helplines collects data about the types of calls received and this is analysed every three months in order to look at possible trends and emerging issues. 

2023-12-22 data privacy, media literacy/education, potentially harmful content Greek Safer Internet Centre

Empowering online safety: new nationwide media campaign by the Greek Safer Internet Centre

To address online safety challenges and promote a safer online environment for children, a nationwide TV campaign has been launched by the Greek Safer Internet Centre. This campaign aims to educate parents, caregivers, guardians and young people about the importance of online safety, provide practical tips and guidance for navigating the digital world responsibly, and inform about the support offered by the Greek helpline and hotline services.  

2023-12-14 media literacy/education Czech Safer Internet Centre

Czech helpline brief: today's challenges

For 29 years, Linka bezpečí (helpline) has been dedicated to assisting children and students who find themselves in challenging situations, providing support and solutions for their everyday concerns. Parents, family members and other adults working with children receive professional support through the "Parental Line ", offering them help and general social counselling during crisis. The Czech Safer Internet Centre overviews the recurring issues and challenges.

2023-12-12 media literacy/education BIK Team

Latest helpline trends: Quarter 3, 2023

The Insafe network of helplines collects data about the types of calls received and this is analysed every three months in order to look at possible trends and emerging issues. 

2023-10-24 media literacy/education BIK Team

The Insafe network meets to discuss the Digital Services Act (DSA) and AI at the Insafe Training meeting

Today, another edition of the bi-annual Insafe Training meeting kicks off. The event is an opportunity for the Insafe network of European Safer Internet Centres (SICs) to meet to facilitate the sharing of experience and good practices between network countries, to explore areas of common ground, and opportunities for closer working between awareness raising, helpline, and youth participation strands. The October 2023 Insafe Training meeting is held online, and includes three mornings of sessions on exploring the opportunities and challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

2023-09-28 cyberbullying, gaming, media literacy/education, potentially harmful content, technical settings BIK Team

Latest helpline trends: Quarter 2, 2023

The Insafe network of helplines collects data about the types of calls received and this is analysed every three months in order to look at possible trends and emerging issues. Since April 2023, helplines have been using an updated set of categories to log contacts against. The new categories were agreed upon following extensive consultation and discussion with the helpline network. The work was led by a helpline working group who spent considerable time determining the changes that needed to be made. 

Want to find out more about Safer Internet Centre (SIC) services and resources in your country?

Check out your SIC profile page to connect with national resources and sources of support, providing awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.