Creating a safer connected world: Parents and carers

Are you a parent or carer?

Parents and carers are often in the best position to influence, support, educate and protect their children, both offline and online. Through the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) and other stakeholders strive to support parents and carers in this role, ensuring children and young people use the internet in a responsible, respectful, critical and creative way. Read on to discover more.

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Check out a selection of news for you.

Is your child safe online?

Parents can mitigate the impact of technology on their child’s development by actively monitoring their children’s online activities and interactions. By becoming familiar with their children's and their friends' virtual environments, parents can more effectively address internet safety, manage screen time, and guide appropriate online interactions with both familiar and unfamiliar individuals. This proactive approach fosters a safer and more balanced digital experience for children. 

How the internet influences children's career choices

Children have unprecedented access to information and resources that can shape their perceptions and aspirations for the future. According to recent findings, most children express that the internet is pivotal in confirming their beliefs about career paths. However, these opinions are far from definitive, with nearly half of them actively exploring alternative options online.  

Danish focus on 0–6-year-olds' use of digital media

In May 2022, the Danish awareness centre, The Media Council for Children and Young People, launched 'The First Digital Steps': a national initiative on 0–6-year-olds and digital media. The project remains relevant in the Danish context.

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Useful content for parents and carers

A good way for parents and carers to support their children in their digital lives is to stay aware of the issues and challenges of being online. Find some highlights below, or browse the site for more.

Browse our selection of guides on topical online safety issues - from cyberbullying to online reputation, and online challenges to sexting, find out what you need to know.

Browse the guides


Our guide to apps aims to provide key information about some of the most popular apps, social networking sites and other platforms which are commonly being used by children and young people (and adults) today.

Go to the guide to apps

Want to find out more about Safer Internet Centre (SIC) services and resources in your country?

Check out your SIC profile page to connect with national resources and sources of support, providing awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.