Policy frameworks
Lithuania has addressed the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK) through a number of different national public policies focused on BIK-related issues. For instance, digital literacy is included in the Regulation for 9-11 grade education, while stepping up awareness and empowerment and tools/regulation for a safer online environment are addressed in legislative resolutions about control of the information and publishing information online.
Policy design
Policy design is concentrated within one to three ministries. BIK policies are managed and coordinated by a number of different bodies with ministries taking the lead in relation to quality online content for children, tools and regulation for a safer online environment and in relation to legislation and law enforcement against child sexual abuse and exploitation. An inter-departmental working group is in place to facilitate co-operation on BIK strategy. The work of the Lithuanian Safer Internet Centre (SIC) is aligned with national policies such as the Information Society Development 2014-2020 Programme "Digital Agenda of the Republic of Lithuania", contributing to the fulfilment of children rights and protection from online harms.
Policy actors
The Safer Internet Centre, with public and private partners, takes the lead in carrying out activities in relation to BIK. The Safer Internet Centre in Lithuania comprises the Centre of Information Technologies of Education (CITE) as coordinator; Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT); "Vaikų linija" (Childline); association"Langas į ateitį" (LIA), in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.The SIC plays a key role in Pillar 1 - Stimulating quality content online for young people, Pillar 3 Stepping up awareness and empowerment and Pillar 4 Tools and regulation for an online safe environment. The teaching of digital literacy and online safety is a shared activity with a variety of ICT-related creative activities supported by actors including the National Library.
Breadth of activities
Breadth of activities outlines progress made in Member States delivering initiatives at the national level. Using the full range of recommendations contained in the BIK strategy, the following tables highlight which actions are supported and whether they have increased, stayed the same or decreased in prominence in the last three years for each of the BIK pillars.