Portuguese campaign encourages healthy use of technology during the school holidays

Professor Daniel Sampaio, Professor Ivone Patrão and the Directorate-General for Education, under the auspices of the SeguraNet Awareness Centre (part of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre) and with the support of Geração Cordão and the Child Support Institute, have launched the campaign “Holidays: a healthy techno place!”, which seeks to encourage healthy use of technology among children and young people during the school holidays. 

Date 2021-08-03 Author Portuguese Safer Internet Centre Section awareness Topic excessive use, media literacy/education, potentially harmful content Audience children and young people, parents and carers
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The campaign is aimed at parents, carers and educators. It envisages a journey to a special fictional place, where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their summer holidays in safety, and where physical and mental well-being is prioritised. The campaign consists of an information brochure, a set of tips, and awareness-raising videos featuring public figures.

You can watch recommendations from Professor Daniel Sampaio and Professor Ivone Patrão to educate children and youth on healthy use of technology during the summer holidays. More video recommendations are available on the SeguraNet website.



The campaign has been disseminated not only among educational communities through tutors and teachers, who have subsequently shared it with parents and carers, but also among local authorities, school holiday programmes and youth associations.

The brochure, containing recommendations for the healthy use of technology, is available to all. Further information about the campaign can be found on the SeguraNet website.

Find out more about the work of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services – or find similar information for Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe

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