Policy frameworks
Hungary has addressed in part the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK) in national public policies. BIK-related issues have been addressed in a number of separate policies which directly address BIK-related issues. For example, the "Digitális Jólét Program" (Digital Wellbeing Program) provides the general framework for policy development in the context of digital development. It includes separate strategy statements for ‘digital child protection' and ‘digital education'. Both education and awareness-raising aspects of BIK are addressed in the Law on Public Education and the Digital Child Protection Strategy.
Policy design
Policy design is concentrated within one to three ministries. Policy design is led at ministerial level with multiple organisations contributing important parts of BIK policies. The mechanism to facilitate inter-departmental or inter-agency cooperation on BIK-related issues is supported by the Secretary of the "Digital Wellbeing Program" working under the Cabinet of the Prime Minister. The "Digital Wellbeing Program 2.0" includes an evaluation of the steps taken in the past years based on previous strategy. National data collection is undertaken under the auspices of the Hungarian Youth Research survey, undertaken every four years. The National Media Authority (NMHH) and the International Children's Safety Service (Nemzetközi Gyermekmentő Szolgálat, NGYSZ) also conducts regular surveys on topics related to BIK.
Policy actors
Activities in the implementation of BIK strategy are shared across various ministries, the Safer Internet Centre (SIC), industry and NGOs with government and public agencies described as having a leading role. There are no arrangements for children to be involved in policy development related to BIK.
Breadth of activities
Breadth of activities outlines progress made in Member States delivering initiatives at the national level. Using the full range of recommendations contained in the BIK strategy, the following tables highlight which actions are supported and whether they have increased, stayed the same or decreased in prominence in the last three years for each of the BIK pillars.