Discover BIK initiatives


Learn more about Better Internet for Kids (BIK) initiatives, actions and resources for, and in collaboration with, a range of stakeholders.

Children and young people are at the heart of the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, in which the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe, and other stakeholders work together to ensure that every young European has access to a digital environment where they feel protected, empowered and respected whenever they go online, that they can access and enjoy what the online world has to offer, and know where to seek support if needed.

Parents and carers are often in the best position to influence, support, educate and protect their children, both offline and online. Through the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) and other stakeholders strive to support parents and carers in this role, ensuring children and young people use the internet in a responsible, respectful, critical and creative way.

Through the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) and other stakeholders work with teachers, educators and other professionals around Europe to enable them to equip children and young people with the digital and media literacy skills needed to use the digital environment in a responsible, respectful, critical and creative way.

Organisations and industry partners are key stakeholders in the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, working with the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe, and other stakeholders to ensure that products and services are safer by design, and that appropriate measures and responses can be given to any issues identified.

Through the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) agenda, the European Commission (EC), Safer Internet Centres (SICs) and other stakeholders regularly engage with partners from the fields of research and policy to strengthen the evidence base on children and young people’s online safety and protect, promote and advance their rights in the digital environment.

Want to find out more about Safer Internet Centre (SIC) services and resources in your country?

Check out your SIC profile page to connect with national resources and sources of support, providing awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services.